When people admire a stunning photograph, they often overlook the intricate process that led to its creation. A professional photographer’s journey begins long before the shutter button is pressed, starting with carefully selecting equipment. High-quality cameras, an array of lenses, tripods, and other accessories are essential tools of the trade. Each piece of equipment is […]

Behind The Scenes of Your Photographer

close up of camera

Have you ever watched a heartwarming show like Relative Race and felt the emotional impact of seeing long-lost relatives reunite, reminiscing over old family photos? How I wish I could go on that show. I would be delighted to find relatives and go through photographs of days gone by! I don’t possess a single photograph […]

Capturing Memories: Why You Shouldn’t Wait for the Perfect Moment to Take Professional Photographs

Introduction: In today’s visual world, having professional photographs taken is not just reserved for models and celebrities. As a modern man, preparing for a photo session can be a great way to capture your essence, showcase your personality, and create lasting memories. Whether it’s for your professional profile, social media, or personal keepsakes, here’s a […]

The Modern Man’s Guide to Preparing for a Photo Session

Most people have never had professional portraits made. Let me guide in you preparing for your session and put you at ease! When preparing for a professional portrait shoot, it’s essential to choose your outfit thoughtfully to ensure you look your best and convey the message you want through your photos. Opt for clothing that […]

Preparing for your Portraits

Ageism:  “prejudice or discrimination on the grounds of a person’s age”  -Oxford Dictionary The term was coined in 1969 by Robert Neil Butler and patterned on sexism and racism. -Wikipedia Unfortunately, society does not always look upon seniors as valuable contributors to society. They want to put folk out to pasture and write them off […]


“I believe that leaving a photographic legacy is just as important as leaving a monetary legacy.” Marshelle Cartwright How many generations of your family have been photographed? If you aren’t preserving each generation it’s time to start! Your children and grandchildren will cherish having images of themselves as babies and children alongside their parents and […]

Why Your Family’s Portraits Are Important

  This is from February 2016 A little something about me and one of my favorite photography experiences! My trip to St. Thomas transformed me in so many ways. I achieved many things I never thought I could/would do.  My niece Brittany told me last year she would be celebrating her 30th birthday someplace tropical.  […]

My Year Of Yes!